Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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GW week 3 (2)

GW week 3 (2)

Q Instructions: Read the attached document before posting in the discussion forum. Exercise: A Tale of Two Stories In your careers thus far, you have likely encountered workplace situations when your values conflicted with what you were asked to do. Often it is not easy to align your own personal values and purpose with those of your boss, your co-workers, your direct reports or your firm. This exercise is designed to help you identify and develop the competencies necessary to achieve that alignment. Objectives 1. To reflect on your previous experiences, successful and less so, at effectively voicing and acting on your values in the workplace. 2. To discover which conditions and problem definitions empower you to effectively voice your values, and which tend to inhibit that action. Instructions: Part I Recall a time in your work experience when your values1• conflicted with what you were expected to do in a particular, non-trivial management decision, and you spoke up and acted to resolve the conflict. Consider the following 4 questions and write down your thoughts and brief responses:• o What did you do, and what was the impact? o What motivated you to speak up and act? o How satisfied are you? How would you like to have responded? (This question is not about rejecting or defending past actions but rather about imagining your Ideal Scenario.) o What would have made it easier for you to speak/act? Things within your own control? Things within the control of others? 1 In this exercise, a “values conflict” refers to a disagreement that has an ethical dimension to it. That is, I might disagree with your idea about the most efficient process flow design for an assembly line, but there is usually not an ethical component to that decision. However, if one design reflected a commitment to worker safety or environmental concerns and the other didn’t, for example, even this disagreement might be appropriate here. This material is part of the Giving Voice to Values curriculum collection ( The Aspen Institute was founding partner, along with the Yale School of Management, and incubator for Giving Voice to Values (GVV). Now Funded by Babson College. Do not alter or distribute without permission. © Mary C. Gentile, 2010 2 Part II Recall a time in your work experience when your values conflicted with what you were expected to• do in a particular, non-trivial management decision, and you did not speak up or act to resolve the conflict. Consider the following 4 questions and write down your thoughts and brief responses:• o What happened? o Why didn’t you speak up or act? What would have motivated you to do so? o How satisfied are you? How would you like to have responded? (This question is not about rejecting or defending past actions but rather about imagining your Ideal Scenario.) o What would have made it easier for you to speak/act? Things within your own control? Things within the control of others?

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In one of my previous workplaces, I had been assigned to keep a check on the break timings for my team members. One day my team leader told me that there are a few team members who go for smoking outside the office premises and might take extra time to reach office. My team leader told me that there was no certainty about the queue for the lift. I had complained to the assistant manager who had called my team leader and had given him a warning never to be